
Inka Wissner

Maître de Conférences

Université de Franche-Comté
57 avenue de Montjoux
25001 Besançon Cedex

Orcid :

Inka Wissner

Cnu section : 7°

Disciplinary department : DEFLET

Primary pole : Contexts, Languages, Didactics

Search fields

Diatopic variation in dictionaries (21st century) (variational linguistics, lexicography, metalexicography, labelling, highlighting, self-referential uses; Sens-Texte theory, Explanatory and Combinatorial lexicography, Réseau lexical du français)

Regional French in literature (variational linguistics, literary discourse analysis, literary theories ; Literary representations; the 'regional'; contemporary literature (20th-21st centuries); 'regionalist' literature; realism)

Sociolinguistic field studies in Romance (grammar, adjective/adverb interface, prepositional adverb, fieldwork; Romance languages, primary & secondary dialects)

Statistics for linguistics (linguistics, grammar, adjective/adverb interface, prepositional adverb, field enquiries, vitality ; Romance languages, statistics, probabilities, median values, uncertainties ; statistical data processing ; small speaker samples)

Variation of French in the French-speaking word (17th-21st centuries): variational linguistics (French, francophonie, variation; pan-francophone approach; historico-varietal approach; field surveys, corpora, dictionaries; lexicon, lexicology, semantics, onomastics, terminology; contact linguistics (Gallo-romance dialects, French creoles, English) ; Europe, North America, Antilles, Indian & Pacifique Oceans)


NameDatesELLIADD members
The Third Way: Prepositional adverbials from Latin to Romance 2018-2022 Inka Wissner


Head of the FLE programme at the the Distant-learning center at Franche-Comté University (SUP-FC) (01/09/2020-...,

Head of the Master 1 "Politiques linguistiques-éducatives et environnements numériques" at the the Distant-learning center at Franche-Comté University (SUP-FC) (01/09/2019-...,

Responsabilités collectives et d’intérêt general (01/09/2018-...)


Membre de comités scientifiques pour des colloques internationaux, France (01/01/2020-...)

- Colloque international Politiques linguistiques-éducatives dans l'espace francophone: contextualisation, évaluation, insertion, Besançon, Elliadd, Université de Franche-Comté (org. Embarki et al.), 13-15/12/22
- Colloque international Innovations linguistiques dans l’espace francophone, Montpellier (org. Diwersy/Dostie/Eychenne/Steuckardt), 8-9/6/22.
- Penser la complexité : quelles approches et quels outils en contexte pluriel et plurilingue ?, Besançon, org. Do-Hurinville et al.), Elliadd, Université de Franche-Comté, 13-15/10/21

Expertises pour des revues en sociolinguistique (01/09/2018-...)

Ex.: Studia linguistica romanica SLR (dep. 2020) ; Corela. Cognition, représentation, langage (2018), Expanding Romance Linguistics (2022)

Member of the organising committee for international scientific events, Elliadd, Pôle "Contexte, Langages Didactiques", Université de Franche-Comté (France); Université de Graz (Autriche), France; Austria (01/09/2018-...)

- International conference "Politiques linguistiques-éducatives dans l'espace francophone: contextualisation, évaluation, insertion", Elliadd, University of Franche-Comté, 13-15/12/22.
- International conference "Penser la complexité : quelles approches et quels outils en contexte pluriel et plurilingue ?", Elliadd, University of Franche-Comté, 13-15/10/21.
- Workshop "The Third Way. Prepositional Adverbials from Latin to Romance", University of Graz, 1-2/07/21.
- Workshop in honour of Amr Helmy Ibrahim, Elliadd, University of Franche-Comté, 27/06/19.


The Diatopic Elements of Western French (Vendée) and their Usage in Literature: the Works of the Contemporary Novelist Yves Viollier

University : Sorbonne & Bonn Universities

Country and University of the cotutelle : France: Sorbonne University; Germany: Bonn University

Defense date : 18/12/2010

Thesis directors

Christian Schmitt, Professor at Bonn Université, Germany

André Thibault, Professor at Sorbonne University (Paris IV)

Jury : Peter Blumenthal, Franz Lebsanft, Christian Schmitt (Allemagne), Jean-Pierre Chambon, André Thibault (France), Andres Kristol (Suisse)

Specialty : Linguistics

Keywords : Diatopic variation of French; differential lexicography; historical sociolinguistics; corpus analysis; French literature, general and regional; pragmatics; discourse analysis


This doctoral dissertation studying the use of French regionalisms, or diatopicisms, in literature, is situated in the fields of variationist linguistics and of discourse analysis. The study offers a detailed description of the concepts and current terminology in the recent discipline of Francophone differential linguistics as well as in the related branches of French discourse analysis. It pays particular attention to the methods applied in the identification of
diatopic elements and the interpretation of existing sources – completed by field studies conducted by the author – as well as for an appropriate discourse analysis of diatopicisms in literature. Developing a new sociopragmatic paradigm, the author analyses the strategies that
present meta-linguistically highlighted diatopicisms and their textual distribution in order to interpret what these procedures say obliquely about the diatopicisms in terms of their pragmatic and sociolinguistic characteristics. The large corpus analysis is presented in the form of dictionary articles, based on a model developed in French differential lexicography, and enriched by sociopragmatic sections. The author analyses all highlighted diatopicisms in the twenty-six popular novels of Yves Viollier which belong to the latter's sociolinguistic community (Vendée). The study shows that the strategies highlighting diatopicisms in the analysed novels – published from 1972 to 2009, realist and partly regionalist – are relatively rare. The ethos of the novelist's home region is partly created by the use of diatopicisms – but this is achieved through original choices, rather than largely shared stereotypes.


  • Region Île-de-France « SETCI » (2009 – 2010).
  • Excellence fellowship of the Society of Bonn University (Promotionsstipendium) (2006 – 2009).
  • « Aide à la mobilité » from the French-German University of Sarrebruck (2007 – 2009).
  • Fellowship from the Association française des Femmes Diplômées des Universités (Paris) for a research stay (2009).
  • Fellowship of the French Ministery for a short stay in France (2005).
  • Fellowship of the German Exchange DAAD (Bonn) (2005).


Significant publications

  • 2023
    • Journal articles
    • Preprints, Working Papers, ...
      • Melissa Gagnon, Inka Wissner. Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean (Quebec) based on field research: Individual portraits (Project Materials). 2023. ⟨hal-04264938⟩ - Bibtex

  • 2022
    • Conference papers
      • Inka Wissner. Des statistiques en linguistique : Des statistiques en linguistique: Comment traiter les échantillons de petite taille ? L’exemple d’une enquête panromane. XXXe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes, Universidad de La Laguna, Jul 2022, La Laguna, Tenerifa, Espagne. ⟨hal-03955954⟩ - Bibtex

      • Martin Hummel, Inka Wissner. Evidencia románica y diacronía del español: Evidencia románica y diacronía del español. El caso de los adverbiales con preposición compuesta (esp. am. de a poco, de a feo, etc.). XII Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española, Universidad de Leon, España, May 2022, Léon, España. ⟨hal-03955932⟩ - Bibtex

  • 2019
    • Journal articles
      • Martin Hummel, Adrian Chircu, Jairo Javier García Sánchez, Benjamín García-Hernández, Stefan Koch, et al.. Prepositional adverbials in the diachrony of Romance: a state of the art. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, De Gruyter, 2019, 135 (4), pp.1080-1137. ⟨10.1515/zrp-2019-0062⟩. ⟨hal-03158781⟩ - Bibtex

      • Inka Wissner. Voyage d’un diatopisme polysémique, prime (adj.) : analyse comparative en lexicologie historique francophone. L'information grammaticale, Peeters Publishers, 2019, 161, pp.16-23. ⟨10.2143/IG.161.0.3286129⟩. ⟨hal-03174414⟩ - Bibtex

Other publications

  • 2023
    • Preprints, Working Papers, ...
      • Melissa Gagnon, Inka Wissner. Prepositional adverbials in Quebec French (Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean): Appendix. Statistical measures [Tables]. 2023. ⟨hal-04264972⟩ - Bibtex

      • Inka Wissner. L'histoire de l'adverbial prépositionnel à base adjectivale, de l'ancien français aux variétés modernes : Confrontation de sources secondaires (Matériaux de projet). 2023. ⟨hal-04264914⟩ - Bibtex

      • Inka Wissner, Alan Roy. Statistics for field-based linguistics. Processing variation: Test data on Irpinian (Montella, Southern Italy) [Appendix]. 2023. ⟨hal-04264856⟩ - Bibtex

  • 2022
    • Preprints, Working Papers, ...
      • Inka Wissner, Melissa Gagnon. Les adverbes prépositionnels en français au Québec (Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean) : questionnaire comportant 47 fiches,. 2022. ⟨hal-03620207⟩ - Bibtex

  • 2021
    • Preprints, Working Papers, ...
      • Inka Wissner. Les adverbes prépositionnels en français au Québec (Saguenay -Lac-St-Jean). 2021. ⟨hal-03609090⟩ - Bibtex

      • Inka Wissner, Alan Roy. Presenting aggregate fieldwork data with statistical measures for the study of prepositional adverbials in Romance: a template: Tables to be filled in by the fieldworkers. 2021. ⟨hal-03609111⟩ - Bibtex

  • 2020
    • Journal articles
  • 2019
    • Journal articles
    • Preprints, Working Papers, ...
      • Inka Wissner, David Porcel Bueno, Stefan Koch, Martin Hummel. Materials for Pan-Romance Field Research: Guide - Questionnaire - Worksheets. 2019. ⟨hal-03609075⟩ - Bibtex